<aside> 📣 The Grim Syndicate is a collection of 10,000 unique, generative reaper agent NFTs minted on the Solana Blockchain.

Helpful Links 👉🏼 Website 👉🏼 Twitter 👉🏼 Discord 👉🏼 Buy a Grim


The collection

Learn more about the original Grim collection and the expanded releases since.

Grim Reaper Agents

Lurkers of the Abyss

Lordrym’s Workshop

Elsewhere in the Knownverse



Speaker Archives



Majority of the funds acquired from the mint were transferred to multiple addresses and ledgers to ensure its safety.

Use Domain Solana Address
Creator Address Es1YghGkHZNJ8A9r6oFEHbWsRHbqs4rz6gfkRJ9V4bYf


Obtaining a Grim NFT grants you access to the DAO and the DAO-specific Discord channels. As a Grim holder, you have firsthand access to the developments of the project, including:

<aside> ⚠️ This is the first version of the documentation and will be constantly updated as the team progresses. Feedback is always welcome on how we can improve our communication to the broader community. Shoot us a DM on Twitter or join the Discord.
